How to Develop and Prototype a New Electronic Hardware Product in 2024

Written for entrepreneurs, startups, inventors, and small businesses developing a new electronic product.

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I help innovators like you develop and market new electronic products so you can reach market success without wasting your time and money.

As a design engineer and an entrepreneur that brought my own product to market, I understand all of the obstacles you are facing bringing your product to market.

If you read only one thing make it my free Ultimate Guide – How to Develop and Prototype a New Electronic Product.

Continue your learning with my free articles and YouTube videos, and also my podcast.

You can also read about my journey to market with my own product.

When you are ready to take it to the next level then I suggest the following:

1) If you want personal guidance from me and other experts, access to all of my courses and workshops, and access to a thriving community then join my Hardware Academy.

2) If you want to learn the entire process for developing and launching a new product then get my Masterclass - From Concept to Prototype to Market for Your New Electronic Product (included in Hardware Academy).

3) If you want me on your team then apply for my Private Mentoring program.


"Predictable Designs offers the most efficient and painless route I’ve seen for developing a new electronic product."

David Heisley Former Sr. Design Engineer, Texas Instruments

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